Molly & Jack

Name: Molly & Jack

Description: The twins stand approximately 8" tall, and are constructed of the finest all-wool felt with hand painted features and mohair wigs. Each has a sculpural hollow torso with an internal wood mechanism and ball and socket joints.
Faithfully based on the original Kate Greenaway illustration, both wear period costumes tailored of cotton & organdy, bonnets of natural straw, and hand-cobbled leather shoes.

Date of Release: 2009

Edition Notes: Ltd. Ed. 150 pairs. Made as companion dolls for the souvenir of the first R. JOHN WRIGHT DOLLS CONVENTION held in Albany, New York, May 27-30, 2009. Second piece in the Kate Greenaway series.

There are production photos of Molly & Jack!

©R.JOHN WRIGHT DOLLS, INC. All rights reserved.

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